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School Of Infantry


School Of Infantry

"Every Marine is a Rifleman"
Site Settings

Site Details

This is the Title for your website. The text you enter will show up in the Title Bar.
Enter a description about your site here.
Enter some keywords for your site (separated by commas). These keywords are used by some internet search engines like Google to help index your site.
If supported by the theme this Copyright text is displayed on your site.
The globally unique identifier which can be used to identify this website.
The Home Directory for this site

Site Marketing

Submit your site to the selected search engine for indexing.
Submit your Site Map to Google for better search optimization. Click Submit to get a Google Webmaster Tools account and verify your site ownership ( using the Verification option below ). Once verified, you can select the Add General Web Sitemap option on the Google Sitemaps tab, and paste the Site Map URL displayed.
When signing up with Google Webmaster Tools you will need to Verify your site ownership. Choose the "Upload an HTML file" method from the Google Verification screen. Enter the filename displayed ( ie. google53c0cef435b2b81e.html ) in the Verification textbox and click Create. Return to Google and select the Verify button.
Indicate the type of Banner Advertising you wish to display on your site.


Depending on the theme chosen, this image will appear in the top left corner of the page.
Drop File(s) Here
Depending on the theme, if selected, an image will display in the background of all pages.
Drop File(s) Here
The selected favicon will be applied to all pages in the site.
Drop File(s) Here
Check this box to enable Theme Widgets for this site.
The selected theme will be applied to all pages on the site, unless overridden at the Page level.
The selected container will be applied to all modules on the site, unless overridden at the Page or Module level.
Preview Site Theme and Container
The selected theme will be applied to all edit mode (ctl=) pages on the site.
The selected container will be applied to all edit mode (ctl=) modules on the site.
Preview Edit Theme and Container
The selected iconset will be applied to all icons on the site.

Page Management

The Splash Page for your site.
The Home Page for your site.
The Login Page for your site, pages with no Account Login module are not eligible.
The User Registration page for your site.
The User Profile Page for your site.
The search results page for your site
The 404 Error Page for your site. Users will be redirected to this page if the URL they are navigating to results in a "Page Not Found" error.
The 500 Error Page for your site. Users will be redirected to this page if the URL they are navigating to results in an unexpected error.

Security Settings

The Administrator User for the site.
Check this box to hide the login link in page.

Payment Settings

The Currency used on the site.
The Payment Processor used to handle payments on the site.
Go To Payment Processor WebSite
The UserId for the Payment Processor.
User Password for the Payment Processor.
By default a subscriber is redirected to the website home page when a payment is validated. If you use the subscription feature, you can redirect the subscriber to a specific page. Enter the fully qualified URL of this page.
By default a subscriber is redirected to the website home page on payment canceled. If you use the subscription feature, you can create a page with information to display to the user if the payment has been canceled. Enter the fully qualified URL of this page.
Check to use the PayPal Sandbox instead the real payment gateway.

Usability Settings

The TimeZone for the location of the site.
Check this box to enable the new Modal Pop-Up User Interface.
Select this option if you wish for inline editing to be enabled on your site.
Check to prevent adding hidden folders or folders that start with underscore when performing folder synchronization.
Select the default Control Panel Mode for authorized users of your site.
Select the default Control Panel Visibility for authorized users of your site.
Select whether the Control Panel will be displayed for Page Editors or Module Editors.

Registration Settings

The type of user registration allowed for this site
Whether enable website administrator to receive email notification during new user registration.
Select this option to use Authentication providers during registration. Note - that not all providers support this option.
You can define a comma-delimited list of terms that a user cannot use in their Username or Display Name.
Selecting this option will enforce the profanity filter for the UserName and DisplayName during Registration.
Select the type of Registration Form that you want to use.
Check this option to use the Email Address as a UserName. If this is true the username entry field is not shown in the regsitration form.
You can specify the list of fields you wish to include as a comma-delimited list. If this setting is used, this will take precedence over the other settings. The possible fields include Username, Email, Password, ConfirmPassword, DisplayName and all the Profile Properties.
You can optionally require your users to use a unique display name. If a user chooses a name that exists already this will suggest a modified name.
You can optionally specify a format for the users display name. The format can include tokens for dynamic substitution such as [FIRSTNAME] [LASTNAME]. If a display name format is specified, the display name will no longer be editable through the user interface.
Add your own Validation Expression, which is used to check the validity of the user name provided. If you change this from the default you should update the message that a user would see when they enter an invalid username using the localization editor. (SharedResources.resx - Username.RegExError)
You can modify the provided Email Validation Expression, which is used to check the validity of email addresses provided.
Check this box to generate random passwords during registration, rather than displaying a password entry field.
Chcek this to require the registration form to display a password confirmation box.
You can optionally require that a new user enters a valid profile during registration.
Indicate whether this site should use CAPTCHA for Registration.
You can select a page to redirect the user to, on successful registration.
If this is checked then each user will be required to provide a unique Email address. This means that a user cannot register multiple times with the same email address.
Password will be Clear, Hashed or Encrypted. Can only be changed in web.config file.
Specifies whether or not a user can request their password to be sent to their email. Can only be changed in web.config file.
Specifies whether or not a user can request their password to be reset. Can only be changed in web.config file.
Specifies the minimum number of characters in the password. Can only be changed in web.config file.
Specifies the minimum number of special characters in the password. Can only be changed in web.config file.
Specifies whether a question and answer system is used as part of the registration process. Can only be changed in web.config file.
The regular expression used to evaluate password complexity from the provider specified in the Provider property, Can only be changed in web.config file, by adding/altering the passwordStrengthRegularExpression node of AspNetSqlMembershipProvider. Note: this server validation is different from the password strength meter introduced in 7.1.0 which only advises on password strength, whereas this expression is a requirement for new passwords (if it is defined).
Specifies the number of times the wrong password can be entered before account is locked. Can only be changed in web.config file.
Specifies the length of time an account is locked after failed login attempts. Can only be changed in web.config file.

Login Settings

Indicate whether this site should use CAPTCHA for associating Logins e.g. openid, liveid, cardspace
You can optionally require a user to update their Profile before be logged in, if their Profile is no longer Valid.
Select to add a CAPTCHA control to Password Retrieval
Select to add a CAPTCHA control to Password Change
You can select a default auth provider for user login. Only providers that support forms authentication can be selected.
You can select a page to redirect to after successful login
You can select a page to redirect the user to, on logout.

Profile Settings

Check this box to force old style profile URLs to be redirected to custom URLs.
Enter a string to use to prefix vanity URLs
Enter a prefix for Vanity URLs
www.tecom.marines.mil/soieast/ /myVanityURL
Select the default Profile Visibility Mode for the Users Profile
Check to display the Profile Visibility control in the Users profile
NameCategoryDataTypeLengthDefault ValueValidation ExpressionDefault VisibilityRequired
PrefixName Text 50 All Users
FirstNameName Text 50 All Users
MiddleNameName Text 50 All Users
LastNameName Text 50 All Users
SuffixName Text 50 All Users
UnitContact Info Text 50 Admin Only
StreetAddress Text 50 Admin Only
CityAddress Text 50 Admin Only
RegionAddress Region 0 Admin Only
CountryAddress Country 0 Admin Only
PostalCodeAddress Text 50 Admin Only
TelephoneContact Info Text 50 Admin Only
CellContact Info Text 50 Admin Only
FaxContact Info Text 50 Admin Only
WebsiteContact Info Text 50 Admin Only
IMContact Info Text 50 Admin Only
BiographyPreferences Multi-line Text 0 Admin Only
PreferredTimeZonePreferences TimeZoneInfo 0 Admin Only
PreferredLocalePreferences Locale 0 Admin Only
PhotoPreferences Image 0 All Users

Extension URL Providers

There are no providers installed.
This list shows the currently installed Extension URL Providers. To enable/disable an Extension URL Provider, click the checkbox in the 'Enabled' column. To change specific settings for a provider, click the 'Edit' icon in the 'Actions' column.

Created By Leanne Conklin (DMA/PWHD) On 7/19/2012 4:28:16 PM

Last Updated By System On 4/20/2017 11:16:45 PM