Photo Information

Recruits with Oscar Company, 4th Recruit Training Battalion, run through a simulated ammo resupply event during their Crucible at Parris Island, S.C., April 24, 2020. The Crucible is the final 54-hour long culminating event before the recruits become Marines. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Samuel C. Fletcher)

Photo by Lance Cpl. Samuel C. Fletcher

TECOM Strategy, COVID-19 Training Guidance, and Mission Essential Training: 8 May 2020

8 May 2020 | 21st Century Learning Marine Corps Training and Education Command

21st Century Learning

Commanding General (CG), Training and Education Command (TECOM), Major General William F. Mullen, III signed the TECOM Vision and Strategy for 21st Century Learning (TSTRAT) and TECOM Campaign Plan (TCP) on April 13, 2020.  These documents have been developed in response to the Commandant’s Planning Guidance (CPG) which directs a transformation from an industrial to an outcomes-based information age learning model, adaptive to the needs of the Marine / Unit and the demands of the future operating environment.   21st Century Learning is the Service’s method to educate and train a naval expeditionary force in readiness in order to operate inside actively contested maritime spaces in support of fleet operations. 

Vision and Strategy

The TSTRAT identifies three focus areas that encompass its core responsibilities as derived from the CPG: supporting the development of Adaptive, Decisive Marines, supporting the achievement of Interoperable Units Capable of Decisive Effect, and Developing a Foundation for Information Age Learning and Assessments, Focused on Outcomes.

Campaign Plan

The TCP operationalizes the Focus Areas and Major Objectives identified in the TSTRAT.  It defines the operational approach and processes by which TECOM will act upon the CPG. Increased naval integration, wargaming, and rigorous assessment are key CPG themes that directly influence many of the objectives and tasks outlined in the TCP.

COVID-19 Guidance and Impacts to Training and Education

MARADMIN 260/20: PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST, COMBAT FITNESS TEST, AND BODY COMPOSITION PROGRAM ADVISORY 1-20.  This MARADMIN provides interim guidance on the Commandant’s temporary suspension of the Physical Fitness Test and current impacts to the Body Composition Program.  TECOM will continue to provide updates and clarifications to this MARADMIN in response to changes to DoD / Service guidance on social distancing and restriction of movement (ROM).

MARADMIN 267/20:  COVID19 SUPPLEMENTAL GUIDANCE TO ACTIVE DUTY MARINE TRAVELERS TO SCHEDULED ADVANCED FORMAL SCHOOL COURSES.  This MARADMIN provides interim guidance on ROM and travel consideration for formal schools and upcoming course offerings.

Training Command (TRNGCMD):  Updates to Mission Essential Training Designations

Updated information on all courses are available on MCTIMS.  Updated listings of course cancellations is located on the Marine Corps Student Registrar Branch webpage.

1.  Mission Essential – Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS) producing courses.   School of Infantry (SOI) courses provided only to locally-based students.

      - Infantry Unit Leaders (SOIs) - PMOS 0369 producing course. 

      - Utilities Chiefs Course (MCES), Prerequisite for Utilities Officers course which PMOS 1120 producing for Warrant Officers (WO).

      - Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Basic Officers Course:  Fort Leonard Wood (FLW) PMOS 5702 producing course for WO.

      - Precision Weapons Repairer Course (WTBn) PMOS 2112 producing Course.

      - Micro-Miniature Repair Course (MMCES) NMOS producing Course

      - Electronics Maintenance Supervisor Course (MCCES) PMOS producing course for senior Staff Non-Commissioned Officers.


2.  Mission Essential - Identified as mission essential for Fleet Marine Force or TRNGCMD.  Except for Multi-Mission Parachute Course, all other courses will train locally-based students. 

      - Infantry Small Unit Leaders (SOI-E)

      - Scout Sniper Course (SOI-W)

      - Advanced Infantry Marine (SOI-W, Det Hawaii)

      - Infantry Small Unit Leaders (SOI-W)

      - Multi-Mission Parachute Course (SOI-W)

      - Assault Amphibian Vehicle Commanders Course (AAS)

      - Instructor Development Course East (MCCSSS)

      - Instructor Development Course West (MCCSSS, Camp Pendleton Det)

      - Instructor Development Course West MTT 29 Palms (MCCSSS, Camp Pendleton Det)

      - Explosive Ordnance Exploitation Course (MCCES)

      - Information Systems Security Manager Course (MCCES)


3.  Follow-on/Advanced Training for Current Entry Level Training (ELT) Students

      - Semitrailer Refueler Operator (FLW)

      - Vehicle Recovery Operator (FLW)


4.  Advanced Training For Locally Based Students

     - Assault Amphibious Vehicle Repairer Intermediate Course (AAS)

     - Curriculum Developer Course East (MCCSSS)

     - Curriculum Developer Course West (MCCSSS, Camp Pendleton Det)

     - Supply Chain Management Intermediate Course (MCCSSS)

     - Motor Transport Non-Commissioned Officer Course (MCCSSS)

     - Combat Engineer Non-Commissioned Officer Course (MCES)

     - Engineer Operations Chief Course (MCES)

     - Combat Marksmanship Trainer (WTBN)

     - Airborne Mobile Training Team (WTBN), Local home station training support.

Marine Corps Training and Education Command