Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication 7
Training and Education Command Official Unit Logo
Training and Education Command
Quantico, Virginia

The purpose of this publication is to describe the Marine Corps’ learning philosophy and explain why learning is critically important to the profession of arms. While many of the concepts in this publication have been passed on by Marine leaders throughout our history, this publication seeks to formalize them and provide aspirational goals. Learning is an institutional priority and a professional expectation for all Marines. This mentality is key to the Marine Corps becoming a more effective learning organization. The most important factor in this philosophy is the importance of continuous learning throughout our careers for warfighting.

USNI News, May 19, 2020
MArines Issue New Doctrine Prioritizing Learning
Marine Corps Times, May 19, 2020
A Culture of Learning: Promoting Education & Training in New Doctrine
War On The Rocks, May 18, 2020
Getting Serious About Professional Military Education
War On The Rocks Podcast, May 14, 2020
Scoping the Future of Education in National Security and Beyond
Marine Corps Gazette, November 2019
MCDP 7 On Learning
Marine Corps Gazette, by MajGen W.F. Mullen III, April 2019
A Warrior’s Mind



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Create User Account

Click “Create an Account” at the bottom of the screen.

Enter your email address

Enter your email address and click “Continue.”

Find your schoolhouse or unit

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Select your schoolhouse or unit, then click Continue.

Type your unit in the Search box to find your schoolhouse or unit

Your schoolhouse or unit association is used for enhancing collaboration.  You can type your unit in the Search box to find your schoolhouse or unit, or you can scroll through the list.

Select your schoolhouse or unit, then click “Continue.”

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Select your class group then click “Continue.” Classes are used to allow units to create subgroups within a command. For example, 1st Bn 11th Marines may want to create sub groups at the Company level, or lower, to allow for collaborative discussions within these specific groups instead of at the battalion level.

Create and confirm a password

Create and confirm a password according to the password requirements described on the page, click the checkmark next to I’m not a robot, then click “Set password.”

Your username is created

Your username is created, this is used to identify you in classroom discussions. Also you will be able to login using your username or email address and your password.

Verify your email address 

Click “Login.”

You will be automatically sent a verification code email, prompting you to verify your email address.  If you have not received an email within 5 minutes click “Click here” to resend. If you do not receive a verification email, send an email to noting the e-mail address that you used to register.

You should have an email in your inbox, prompting you to verify your email address.

Click link in email to verify.



Click “Click here to proceed.”






Upon “clicking the link in the email sent to your inbox” the above webpage will build. Then, click “Click here to proceed.”


Email has been verified

Now you will be able to log in to the Bookshelf using the account you created. This bookshelf currently only hosts the MCDP-7 Interactive E-Book, but as other books are developed in the future, they would appear here.

Marine Corps Training and Education Command