The Training and Education Command (TECOM) Range and Training Programs Division executes integrated programs for range, systems, and training environments in order to enable the achievement of the TECOM mission to train and educate the force.
U.S. Marines attached to Fox Co., 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment demonstrate the Supporting Arms Virtual Trainer (SAVT) at Marine Corps Base...
U.S. Marines with Weapons Platoon, Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment practice marksmanship with the shoulder-launched multipurpose...
Combined Arms Command and Control Training Upgrade System (CACCTUS) MAGTAFTC 29 Palms, CA.
U.S. Marine Cpl. Rian Martinez with Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment (1/5) meets with an Afghani role player and a projected role...
Range training area management battlefield effect simulator for IED's in a MOUT training facility.