Family of Egress Trainers

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Training and Education Command
Quantico, Virginia

The Family of Egress Trainers (FE1) consists of Underwater Egress Training (UET) and Dry Rollover Egress Training (DRET) devices. These systems will instruct Marines on vehicle rollover issues and proper egress techniques.

Portfolio Manager
Telephone: 703-432-2170

  • The Modular Amphibious Egress Trainer (MAET) is an underwater egress trainer that represents specific aircraft, cockpits and cabin emergency escape exits. The system replicates the cabin of a CH-53 and MV-22.

  • The Submerged Vehicle Egress Trainer (SVET) is a UET that has the same modular core and rotational capabilities as the MAET, but dedicated for the High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV) & the Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV).

  • The Shallow Water Egress Trainer (SWET) is a single-seat emergency egress trainer. This is used to introduce Marines to water submersion and emergency breathing devices.

BENEFIT OF UTILIZING THE Underwater egress trainer
  • Provide Marines with the knowledge, skills and abilities to safely egress a submerged vehicle/aircraft. 

  • Teaches Marines the principles of breathing compressed air while performing egress procedures.

  • Teaches Marines and sailors the principles and skills required to successfully survive a catastrophic event.

TRAINING REQUIREMENT FOR THE Underwater egress trainer
  • Medical Screening Forms (available Range Management Support System).

  • Current Swim Qualifications.

LOCATIONS FOR underwater egress trainer
  • MCB Camp Pendleton, C.A.

  • MCB Okinawa, Japan

  • MCB Hawaii

  • MCB Camp Lejeune, N.C.

  • Dry Rollover Egress Training (DRET) is comprised of the HMMWV Egress Assistance Trainer (HEAT), MRAP Egress Trainer (MET), and JLTV Egress Trainer (JET).

  • All DRET systems have the ability to train egress principles that can be applied to increase survivability during a catastrophic event which can only be trained via the use of simulation. 

  • Provides Marines the necessary training to survive a rollover and egress properly.

  • Builds muscle memory through drills.

  • MCB Camp Pendleton, C.A.

  • MCAGCC 29 Palms, C.A.

  • MCB Okinawa, Japan

  • MCB Hawaii

  • MCB Camp Lejeune, N.C.

  • MCB Quantico, V.A.

Marine Corps Training and Education Command