The mission of the Headquarters Battalion Safety Program is to ensure that every Marine works in a safe and healthful environment while serving aboard the Battalion, and to ensure the proper reporting, mitigation, and abatement of all hazards. The Motorcycle Mentorship Program falls under the Safety Program and exists to create and foster a culture of safe motorcycle operation and ownership. The Motorcycle Program conducts monthly safety meetings and quarterly rides.
Headquarters Battalion Safety Officer
Capt King, Nicholas J.
COM: 703-784-4716
Room 237, 2006 Hawkins Ave
Quantico VA, 22134
TECOM Form 5102/1 - Supervisors Mishap and Near Miss Report
DD Form 2272 - Department of Defense Occupational Safety and Health Protection Program Form
NAVMC 11401 - Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions Report Form
OSHA Forms 300, 300A, 301 - Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, Injuries and Illnesses Incident Report
Marines, Sailors, or civilians who observe unsafe or unhealthful working conditions which may result in injury or death, shall mitigate the hazards on the spot whenever possible, and report all unsafe conditions via the appropriate safety channels, chain of command, or the ANYMOUSE box. The Headquarters Battalion ANYMOUSE box provides confidential reporting of unsafe or unhealthful working conditions to the Safety Officer for action and abatement. The Headquarters Battalion ANYMOUSE box is located in the north stairwell of Bldg 2006 on the first deck. Submit reports using a NAVMC 11401: NAVMC11401.pdf
All Marines, Sailors, and civilians will ensure that mishaps are reported up the chain of command, or appropriate safety channels as required. Supervisors will report mishaps utilizing the below forms:
When the mishap involves Marines and/or Sailors: Supervisors Mishap and Near Miss Report (TECOM)
Headquarters Battalion Safety Program: The intent of the battalion safety program is in line with the CO's Policy Statement on Safety, and applicable Marine Corps Orders (MCO 5100.29C, MCO 1500.60, MCO 5104.3C, NAVMC Dir 5100.8). All personnel within the battalion must use every resource available to create a culture of safety on and off duty. The battalion safety program outlines requirements associated to annual training, risk management, force preservation, mishap reporting, quarterly safety council administration, traffic and motor vehicle safety, and the relationship with the supported organizations:
Headquarters Battalion Traffic and Motorcycle Safety Program (BnO 5100.19F): The battalion traffic safety order provides detailed information and requirements on government vehicle operation, motorcycle safety and the Headquarters Battalion Motorcycle Mentorship Program, and the arrive alive program: BnO 5100.19A - Traffic and Motorcycle Saftey Program.pdf
Headquarters Battalion Force Preservation Council (BnO 1500.60A): This order formally establishes the battalion Force Preservation Council (FPC). This order establishes behavioral risk levels, reporting requirements, and assignment criteria: BnO 1500.60A - Force Preservation Council.pdf
Unit Tritium Devices Standard Operating Procedures: The battalion owns radioactive tritium assets in the form of handheld compasses and weapons sights. This SOP establishes requirements for the storage, shipment, and disposal of tritium devices. It also establishes tritium Spill clean up reporting and clean up requirements:
Unit Tritium Devices SOP.pdf
New Join Safety Training: Marines checking in to all organizations within the battalion are required to check in with the safety officer and complete safety training. All training requirements, and the minimum safety training required for all Marines is explained in the new join brief: HQBn TECOM New Join Safety Training.pptx
Command Individual Risk and Resiliency Assessment System (CIRRAS) is the system through which the battalion manages the FPC program:
*****Capt King is a CIRRAS Lead Administrator, contact your company leadership first for account activation. Access will not be granted to individuals who have not completed "Navy Annual Privacy Training," course number DONPII010A, which is available on MarineNet, and "HIPAA and Privacy Act Training," which is available on JKO: HIPAA and Privacy Act Training, Course Number: US001. JKO link:
Electronic Safety and Administration Management System (ESAMS) is the system that provides electronic supervisor safety training, and provides motorcycle riders a way to sign up for and track training completion:
*****Capt King is an ESAMS Administrator, contact Capt King for account activation.
Safety Division HQMC provides information, Marine Corps Orders, and resources on safety and safety requirements: Safety Division (
Naval Safety Center provides information, newsletters, helpful links from the DoN and DoD: Home (
HQBn TECOM Safety SharePoint site provides information on the HQBn Safety Program. This site includes information on other battalion functions and programs:
HQBn TECOM Motorcycle Mentorship Program Teams Page is the forum for the monthly motorcycle safety program meetings and is the message board for questions, comments and concerns about motorcycle safety:
New Join Safety Awareness/Training: all new joins are required to read, review, and understand their part in the battalion safety program. This training provides all personnel with the tools and resources to make them able to safely accomplish the mission and avoid mishaps. This training is provided during check-in at the Supply Office (Room 237, Building 2006):
HQBn TECOM New Joins Safety Awareness Training.pptx
Supervisor Safety Training: Supervisor safety training is a Calendar Year (CY) training requirement. This is offered online on ESAMS and on mil suite. Provide your certificate to your company office to receive credit. All SNCOs and Officers will complete supervisor safety training.
1. ESAMS: (Course ID 4813)
2. mil suite: (Supervisor's Safety Training provided by Training Command)
Risk Management Training: Risk Management training is required bi-annually (once every two years) for all personnel. There is no requirement to provide a certificate to your company office to receive credit.
1. RM training is available on t by rank (SDRMGTSEN0 - Risk Management for senior leaders, SDRMGTCIV0 - Risk Management for USMC civilians, SDRMGTSUL0 - Risk Management for small unit leaders)
2. RM training is provided in conjunction with semiannual safety stand downs.
Hearing Conservation Program Training: Initial Training is provided via JKO: The Hearing and Readiness (HEAR) Course, Course Number: US097. JKO link: Annual training is provided by Naval Health Clinic Quantico in conjunction with the annual audiogram.
***Should you or your Marines experience a Significant Threshold Shift (STS) in hearing ability during an audiogram, report this to the Safety Officer. This is a mishap, which therefore must be reported.
Semiannual Safety Stand-Downs: The battalion is required to complete 2 safety stand downs each year. All personnel are required to attend these events, or virtually stream the events via adobe connect.
1. Back in the Saddle training (BITS) occurs every year in January. BITS training covers a variety of winter safety topics, suicide prevention, and other miscellaneous topics.
2. 101 Critical Days of Summer (101 CDS) occurs in May. 101 CDS covers a variety of summer safety topics, heat injury mitigation, and a other miscellaneous topics.