Equal Opportunity Advisor

Training and Education Command Official Unit Logo
Training and Education Command
Quantico, Virginia

The Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA) acts as the subject matter expert for the Commanding General and command leadership on Prohibited Activity and Conduct Prevention and Response, oversees and manages the command's Equal Opportunity Program requirements,  receives and manages complaints (informal, formal, and anonymous), assists with conflict management, provides training to service members to become Equal Opportunity Representatives, provides training on command climate issues and are responsible for conducting inspections of command level Military Employment Opportunity (MEO) programs.

CG TECOM Equal Opportunity Policy Statement

Bell GySgt Shanell L
Office: 703-432-2472
Mobile: 240-299-2284
BLDG 1019, Room 118

Mulherin GySgt Robert D
Office: 703-432-0764
Mobile: 540-379-3735
BLDG 715A, Floor 1

Training Command
Reynolds GySgt Patricia L
Office: 703-432-0764
Mobile: 703-675-4226
BLDG 715A, Floor 1

Bell GySgt Shanell L Mulherin GySgt Robert D Reynolds GySgt Patricia L


CIVILIAN MARINES may contact the EEO office listed below for information regarding EEO complaints, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Reasonable Accommodations, and Personal Assistive Services. The website listed can also provide some additional EEO information.


Marine Corps Association Building Annex
715A Broadway Street, 1st Floor
Quantico, VA, 22134
COM: 703-784-4772

Pentagon Office
HQMC EEO Office Association Building Annex
Pentagon, Room 2A262
Washington DC 20350-3000
COM: 571-256-8302

Training Command EOA
  • Ensure a professional work environment for all personnel through a local MEO program. Commanders are responsible for fostering a climate of inclusion that is free from prohibited discrimination and that does not tolerate retaliation for reporting prohibited discrimination allegations.

  • Complete Change of Command and Annual Command Climate Assessments.

  • Ensure complaints received by the chain of command are promptly processed by the servicing Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA).

  • The first GCMCA in the ADCON chain of command must track and monitor the aging and life-cycle of complaints.

  • Conduct an annual compliance self-assessment of local MEO programs.

  • Ensure all personnel receive annual training.

  • Ensure PAC policies and programs are prominently posted on command intranet sites, including information about complaint procedures.

  • Appoint a SNCO or above to serve as your Equal Opportunity Representative (EOR). EORs must attend and complete training sponsored by your supporting EOA.

  • Ensure that Service Members who make allegation(s) of retaliatory action are advised of their rights. Document provisions of such advice and offer to forward the complaint to the Inspector General.

  • Receive a command team brief from the servicing EOA. 


Military Equal Opportunity is a function of command. Marine Corps leaders must ensure their people are well-led and cared for physically, emotionally, and spiritually, in and out of combat. “Taking care of Marines” means vigorously enforcing our high standards of performance and conduct. We will hold each other accountable and address violations expeditiously, at the lowest appropriate level.

The responsibility of a successful MEO program rests with the commander. Commanders have earned special trust and confidence and are accountable for all of their decisions and actions. The PAC prevention and response measures provide commanders the discretion to assess, investigate, and take corrective action to ensure unit cohesion and warfighting effectiveness.

Marine Corps small unit leaders, company-grade officers and mid-grade staff noncommissioned officers (SNCOs) have experience, maturity, and close daily connection to our most junior Marines. These leaders are in the best position to lead, educate, train, supervise, and instill our high standards.

All Commanders are required to ensure all members administratively attached to their commands have the opportunity to participate in the assessment process.  For commands with more than 50 personnel, a climate assessment will be conducted within 120 days of assumption of command, and annually thereafter.  Subordinate commands of 50 or less personnel will be surveyed with a larger unit in the command to ensure anonymity.


The CEOM shall be an officer or SNCO designated to manage the commander’s EO Program.

The CEOM will normally:

Monitor EOR assignments and ensure all subordinate unit EORs are assigned, trained and certified in accordance with chapter 4 of this Manual.

Ensure all subordinate commands maintain and submit all reports required by this Manual.

Provide assistance to the EOA in organizing and scheduling commander, senior enlisted, and EOR training.

Be assigned to the billet for a minimum of one year.

Attend quarterly EO sustainment training provided by the local EOA.



  • Equal Opportunity Representative are assigned to the battalion and squadron level.

  • They are Staff Non-commissioned Officers or Officers screened and selected by the commander.

  • EORs are their command’s primary asset to monitor command climate.

  • They serve as the command liaison with the EOA.


  • Assist commanders in the submission of required reports.

  • Provide all necessary and required information on behalf of the commanding officer, to the

  • EOA/MEO office to initiate and update DASH reports through to final disposition and administrative closure.

  • Serve as the unit Survey Administrator for conducting all Command Climate Assessments.

  • Serve as the responsible agent for the command’s compliance with Inspector General Checklists for the MEO program.

  • Submit reports to the supporting EOA/MEO Office as requested.

  • EORs will attend the Equal Opportunity Representative Course before being appointed.

An informal complaint is any complaint or allegation of discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnic background, religion, gender, age, national origin or any other form of discrimination, to include sexual harassment which are not criminal in nature. Depending on the severity of the behavior, the CO can recommend that the individuals involved attempt to us the Informal Resolution System to resolve their conflict.

Personnel should always consider using the informal method whenever possible, as this is the most expeditious mean to attempt resolution and restore the trust necessary for unit cohesion.

The Informal Resolution System (IRS) works in the following manner:

a. Direct Approach. By either approaching the offending party in person tactfully pinpointing the behavior that is offending, asking the person to cease the behavior or in writing.

b. Informal Third Party. Requesting assistance from another person to intervene on your behalf to help resolve the conflict. This person is normally a friend, co-worker, command EO representative or EO Advisor.

*It is important to note that if the complainant chooses to request assistance from someone outside of his/her immediate chain of command, this should not be adversely looked upon as “jumping the chain of command.” There are numerous reasons why someone would venture outside of their chain of command when requesting assistance with an EO complaint (i.e. the alleged offender is in their immediate chain of command, desire to have an impartial “outsider’s” opinion, the “old” chain of command did not address the issue when brought before them).

c. Training Information Resources (TIR). Request training or resource materials for presentation to the work place in the areas of discrimination, harassment or inappropriate behavior. These materials are a good method of communicating to offending persons in the workplace, in a non-threatening way, that the behavior is inappropriate. The TIR includes videos, books, lesson plans, posters and other materials. You can request TIR from your local Equal Opportunity Advisor.


Functional Area Manager: MPE
Point of Contact: MS. ALFRITA JONES DSN 278-9371 / COM (703) 784-9371


Date Last Revised: 15 January 2009

190 01


190 01 001

Has the command conducted an equal opportunity survey within 90 days of the commander's assignment?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 2002.4

190 01 002

Does the command ensure that historical/cultural events of significant interest are given proper recognition?

190 01 003

Does the command ensure that Marines new to the unit are briefed on the command's EO policies and procedures, to include EO complaint processing, the IRS and how to contact the command's EOR, CEOM and EOA?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 4001.1

190 01 004

Does the command ensure that all Marines receive a minimum one hour annually of documented EO training and does it include the minimum requirements outlined in MCO P5354.1D, PAR 4001.2?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 4001.2

190 01 005

Does the command ensure that EORs and CEOMs receive indoctrination training and attend an EOR course as well as quarterly sustainment training conducted by an EOA?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 4002

190 01 006

Has the commander established effective EO objectives within their command, and have they implemented policies and procedures to ensure the periodic assessment and update of their objectives?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 3002

190 01 007

Has the command published and prominently posted their equal opportunity policy statement (e.g., club, PX, dining facility, billeting, etc.)?
Does it include sexual harassment, complaint procedures, and the possible consequences for engaging in discrimination?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 3002.2.C

190 01 008

Has the command designated, in writing, a Command Equal Opportunity Manager and or Equal Opportunity Representative(s), and are they performing their required duties?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PARS 3002.3, 3002.4, 3003 & 3004

190 01 009

Are CEOMs and EORs being assigned to the billet for a minimum of one year?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 3004.1

190 01 010

Is effective action taken to eliminate discrimination when identified?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 5003

190 01 011

Has the command implemented procedures for receiving discrimination and sexual harassment complaints, and established procedures to ensure they are thoroughly investigated and resolved within the timelines without reprisal or retaliation?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 5006

190 01 012

Does the command ensure that documentation of administrative requirements for formal complaints are completed?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PARS 5005-5007

190 01 013

Does the command adequately secure all files, reports, and materials generated from reporting and investigating discrimination and sexual harassment complaints?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 5000.2

190 01 014

Are legal sufficiency and equal opportunity reviews conducted on all discrimination and sexual harassment investigations?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 5006.5

190 01 015

Has the Commander processed individuals for separation for the first substantiated incident of sexual harassment involving any of the following circumstances:

  1. Threats or attempts to influence another's career or job for sexual favors;

  2. Rewards in exchange for sexual favors; or (c) Physical contact of a sexual nature, which, if charged as a violation of the UCMJ, could result in a punitive discharge.

Reference MCO P5354. 1D, PAR 2009.7, MCO 1000.9A PAR 4B

190 01 016

Has the commander forwarded a final written report within 6 days of completing the investigation and review, to include the results of the investigation, as well as any action taken, to the next superior in the chain of command that has GCMCA? Does the report include a statement from the complainant that indicates their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the resolution?
Reference MCO 5354.1D PAR 5006.7

190 01 017

Has the command submitted a DASH Report on all formal EO complaints, and is it within the timelines allotted?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 5007

190 01 018

Does the equal opportunity advisor serve in the billet to which assigned, and assist the commander in executing the commander's EO Program?
Reference MCO 5354.3B, PAR 4.A & MCO P5354.1D, PAR 3005

190 01 019

Does the command's EOA maintain a Training Information Resources (TIR) library?
Reference MCO P5354.1D, PAR 2006, MCO 5354.3B, PAR 4

190 01 020

Are Records of formal equal opportunity, discrimination, and sexual harassment complaints involving DON personnel retired to nearest FRC (Federal Records Center) upon final resolution of the case or incident?
Reference SECNAV M-5210.1 PART III, CHAP.5, PAR 5354.2

What is Sexual Harassment? 

Q:  Isn't sexual harassment what happens when women send mixed sexual messages to men and then change their minds? 

A.  Sexual harassment, like other kinds of sexual abuse, is about power, not sex. That is why anyone, female or male, can experience it. And both men and women can be harassers. Harassment is an attempt to exercise power. Sexual innuendo, leers, jokes, threats, pressure, sexually explicit pictures, inappropriate comments, touching, and even violence, are ways sexual harassers attempt to show their power. The harasser wants to force another person to feel or act a certain way. The harasser seeks to bother, test, intimidate, belittle, degrade or hurt another person. Because more men are in positions of power in workplaces and men exercise greater power in our society, women make the vast majority of sexual harassment allegations against men. 

Q:  Don't supervisors who promise promotions to subordinates for sexual favors usually do sexual harassment? 

A:  The traditional picture of sexual harassment shows a supervisor offering or withholding benefits from a subordinate based on the person's consent to sexual relations. That is called quid pro quo harassment. Quid pro quo means "this for that" - in other words, the expectation that a person will accept harassment as a condition of keeping his or her job, or remaining eligible for a benefit such as time off, annual leave, a meritorious promotion or Marine and Sailor of the Quarter board. This is the "you take care of me and I'll take care of you ...or else" mentality. Quid pro quo harassment does not have to be explicitly stated; it can be implied. 

Q:  Isn't sexual harassment when an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment exists? 

A:  Sexual Harassment can create a hostile environment where verbal or nonverbal behavior: 
- Focuses on the sexuality of another person or occurs because of the person's gender.
- When unwanted or unwelcome.
- When behavior severe or pervasive enough to affect the person's work environment.

The following are examples of behaviors that can create a hostile working environment if they are unwanted or unwelcome: 

- Sexually oriented jokes, stories, whistling or teasing
- Comments about a person's body parts or sexual activities
- Displaying pictures, posters, calendars, or cartoons of a sexual or objectionable nature
- Leering, ogling, or staring at a person's body 
- Repeated requests or pressure for dates
- Excessive attention in the form of love letters, telephone calls or gifts
- Unnecessary touching, patting, hugs, shoulder rubs, pinching, cornering or brushing against another individual in a deliberately sexual manner
- Assault/Rape

Q:  Then what is sexual harassment? 

A:  The Marine Corps Order P5354.1D views sexual harassment as a form of sexual discrimination that infringes on a person's right to work in a professional environment free from unwanted sexual attention, or sexual pressure. The legal definition of Sexual Harassment is: 

A form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: 

- Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly a term or condition of a person's job, pay, or career. 

- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting that person. 

- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. 


Is it illegal? 

Sexual Harassment is ALWAYS illegal! It is a violation of the UCMJ. 

The Key Word Is "Unwelcome" 

When any unwanted, unwelcome, or unsolicited sexual conduct is imposed on a person who regards it as offensive or undesirable, it is sexual harassment. When a person communicates that the conduct is unwelcome, it becomes illegal. 


- Become familiar with your right to work in an environment free from discrimination based on sex.
- Be prepared to assert these rights.
- Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times.
- Become acquainted with command policy and procedures for reporting harassment. Contact your unit Equal Opportunity Representative if necessary.


- Try to remain professional, and avoid being overly dramatic.
- Be direct and candid with the person. Respond promptly and clearly, verbally or in writing, or both. Tell the offender that the conduct is unwelcome and unacceptable, say what is acceptable, for example, "Don't call me sweetheart; my name is PFC Marine." "Don't hug me when you pass me in the hall; a simple `hello' is fine."
- Document in writing every incident, with specific details of the offensive behavior and your response. When reporting the harassment be prepared to tell all the facts surrounding the incident. Information needed is who, what, when, where, and how.
- Try not to feel guilty. Sexual harassment is not your fault. By clearly voicing your expectations, you force the offender to choose whether to change the unwelcome behavior, or to purposely continue it.
- If the harassment continues, contact your Equal Opportunity Representative and/or report it to the Chain of Command.


- Take every complaint seriously; give it your prompt attention and open-minded consideration.
- Be supportive and sensitive; personnel may be embarrassed not only by the harassment, but also by the need to discuss a "personal" problem with a supervisor.
- Listen to the individual. Don't be judgmental or contradict what he or she feels they experienced.
- Maintain confidentiality. Protect the rights of both the accuser and the accused. Rumor causes damage to unit cohesion.
- Contact your Equal Opportunity Representative to be sure you understand command policy and procedures -- then follow them carefully.

Remember, sexual harassment is against the UCMJ; it is a serious matter for both the individuals involved, and the command. 


MAGTF-TC / MCAGCC Point of Contact
Equal Opportunity Advisor
Comm: (760) 830-4567
DSN: 230-4567
Bldg 1447 South

a. Hazing, as defined by the reference, is any conduct whereby a military member or members, regardless of Service or rank, without proper authority causes another military member or members, regardless of Service or rank, to suffer or be exposed to any activity which is cruel, abusive, humiliating, oppressive, demeaning/ or harmful. Soliciting or coercing another to perpetrate any such activity is also considered hazing. Hazing need not involve physical contact among or between military members; it can be verbal or psychological in nature. Actual or implied consent to acts of hazing does not eliminate culpability of the perpetrator.

b. Although hazing can occur during unauthorized initiations, "congratulatory acts," or "rites of passage”. Those types of events are not prerequisites for hazing. The following is a list of actions that may constitute hazing: physically striking another to inflict pain outside of a supervised training exercise; piercing another’s skin in any manner (such as "pinning," "tacking on, or "blood wing(ing)"); verbally berating another for the sole purpose of belittling or humiliating; encouraging another to excessively consume alcohol or encouraging another to engage in illegal, harmful, demeaning  or dangerous acts; playing abusive or ridiculous tricks; threatening or offering violence or bodily harm to another; branding; taping; tattooing; shaving; greasing; painting; requiring excessive physical exercise beyond what is required to meet standards; or the forced consumption of food alcohol, drugs, or any other substance.

Commanding Genera's Policy Statement on Hazing
Hazing Prevention and Response
MCO 1700.28B Hazing

Discrimination is the illegal treatment of a person or group based on age, color, gender, race, religion, or national origin. Discrimination also includes persons condoning, ignoring, or failing to correct negative and hostile working environments, where one or more of the discriminatory factors mentioned above is present, during the performance of their duties. All forms of discrimination, such as racism, sexism, and religious intolerance, can occur not just through the acts of individuals, but within the systems, policies, and procedures of an organization. Such unacceptable conduct, if uncorrected, will eventually poison a unit's cohesion and morale.

Characteristics of Discrimination & Examples 

  • Overt- Sign on the door of a male only club that says no opposite gender allowed 

  • Covert- Banks or other financial institutions which red-line certain areas for personal or business loans 

  • Direct- Acts of sexual harassment targeted at men or women in the workplace 

  • Indirect- Placing a specific (and unnecessary) requirement for a job or a position that would eliminate individuals or groups based on the protected categories. 

  • Intentional- Using discriminatory/ethnic or racial slurs 

  • Unintentional- Designing and manufacturing weapons to be fired or operated from the right side.

Prevention of Discrimination

1. Being proactive and ensuring that all EO complaints are thoroughly investigated. Addressing incidents of discrimination as quickly as possible.

2. Publicizing Marine Corps and local command EO policy. Stressing leadership accountability and emphasizing teamwork. Stating that discrimination in any form is adverse to mission accomplishment and will not be tolerated in the unit.

3. Ensuring all Marines are aware of the avenues of filing an EO complaint, and actions that will be taken against personnel in substantiated cases.

4. Setting the example by knowing what sexual harassment is and refusing to condone it.


  • Know yourself and seek self improvement

  • Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates

  • Make sound and timely decision

  • Set the example

  • Know your Marines and look out for their welfare

  • Keep your Marines informed

  • Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.

  • Train your Marines as a TEAM

  • Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities


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Marine Corps Training and Education Command