USMC Human Research Protection Program
Training and Education Command Official Unit Logo
Quantico, Virginia

The protection for the rights and welfare of research subjects is an accepted service responsibility and a requirement under federal law (32CFR219). 

Human subjects research and related matters, including Institutional Review Board (IRB) operations and supporting USMC commands to comply with federal law and DoD, DON, and USMC policies, are overseen by Human Subjects Protection Programs (HRPPs). The Marine Corps has three HRPPs, each of which is responsible for different functions. Each HRPP is led by an SES-level Institutional Official and has a primary point of contact (see Contact Us tab). 

  • The Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA) HRPP is the primary contact for projects conducted by or funded by M&RA.
  • The Systems Command (MCSC) HRPP is the primary contact for projects conducted by or funded by MCSC.
  • The USMC HRPP is the contact for projects conducted by or funded by all other Marine Corps commands and for all projects by external performers that are not funded by the Marine Corps, but will use Marine Corps personnel, data, or facilities. The USMC HRPP also includes the USMC Institutional Review Board (IRB), which provides IRB services to all three HRPPs.

This is the USMC HRPP website. For definitive information about the M&RA and MCSC HRPPs, reach out to those offices.

Human research protection points of contact for various organizations and functions are listed below. If you are not sure of the right point of contact or do not have contact information for a listed individual, send an email to and the staff of the USMC Human Research Protection Program will forward your message to the appropriate point of contact.  


  • Projects conducted by USMC personnel:
    • Applicability reviews/determinations for projects proposed by all Marine Corps organizations except M&RA and MCSC (see below).
    • Exemption determinations for projects conducted by all Marine Corps organizations except M&RA and MCSC (see below) - USMC Exemption Determination Official (EDO) review
    • Review and oversight of human subjects research conducted by USMC personnel through the USMC IRB.
  • Projects conducted by external individuals/organizations:
    • Review of projects funded by USMC organizations other than M&RA or MCSC (see below) – USMC Human Research Protection Official (HRPO) review.
    • Review of projects not funded by the USMC, but involving USMC personnel or data– Administrative Review

Contacts – Dr. Kerry Fosher, Director | Ms. Yvette Bethune-Cherry, HRPP Specialist
Phone - Primary: 571-289-6448| Alternate: 703-853-6222
Email -


  • Projects conducted by USMC personnel:
    • Applicability reviews/determinations for projects conducted by M&RA personnel.
    • Exemption determinations for projects conducted by M&RA personnel – M&RA EDO review (capability expected in FY24).
    • Facilitation of all M&RA human subjects research conducted under the oversight of the USMC IRB – M&RA IRB Vice Chair.
  • Projects conducted by external individuals/organizations.
    • Review of projects funded by M&RA – M&RA HRPO review.

Contact – Ms. Christina Ramirez
Website - M&RA HRPP


  • Projects conducted by USMC personnel:
    • Applicability reviews/determinations for projects conducted by MCSC personnel
    • Exemption determinations for projects conducted by MCSC personnel – MCSC EDO review (capability expected in FY24).
    • Facilitation of all MCSC human subjects research conducted under the oversight of the USMC IRB – MCSC IRB Vice Chair.
  • Projects conducted by external individuals/organizations:
    • Review of projects funded by MCSC – MCSC HRPO review.

Contact – Mr. Mark Richter

Additional Points of Contact

The additional organizations listed below have Vice Chairs on the USMC IRB who may be able to assist researchers in their commands. 

  • Education Command/Marine Corps University
  • Operations Analysis Division, CD&I
  • Training and Education Command

HRPP Diagram

All persons engaged in the conduct, review, and approval of human subject research is required to complete ethics training.

A person is engaged in research if he/she interacts/intervenes with human subjects or will have access to identifiable data. The training is valid for three years. A copy of the training completion report is required to be submitted with the IRB application package.

The training is offered online through CITI and is expected to take four hours to complete. Training is valid for three years.

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Registration Instructions

The instructions to register are:

  • Go to the link above and click Select Your Organization Affiliation 

  • Type "Department of the Navy" in the dialog box and then agree to the terms of service, privacy policy, affirm your affiliation, and then click Create a CITI Program Account

  • Enter your personal information and Continue to Step 3

  • Create your user name and password and Continue to Step 4

  • Enter the appropriate selections and Finalize Registration

  • Enter the required information for Institutional Email, department, role, office phone, and Command.  Under the Your Command drop-down menu, choose the appropriate command. Some commands do not have Marine Corps in front of them (Training and Education Command). 

  • Select the appropriate box or boxes. Most likely you will only need to select the first box.

  • Click the box for Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • Choose the appropriate role (IRB Administrator, Investigators, and Key Research Personnel) 

  • Begin your training!

This page provides the main references for human subjects research conducted or supported by the USMC. Additional policies may apply to some projects. 

Federal Regulations

32CFR219 Protection of Human Subjects

DoD Policy

DODI 3216.02P

DON Policy
USMC Policy

MCO 3900.18


USMC HRPP Policy and Procedures


Refer to the M&RA HRPP website



Historical Policies and Documents

Single IRB Decision


The Marine Corps supports a variety of research conducted by external researchers. Even if the research has been approved by an IRB or received a determination that it is not human subjects research, review by the Marine Corps is required before recruiting Marine Corps personnel (military or civilian) to participate in the project or making requests for Marine Corps data. 

Projects Funded by the Marine Corps

If the project is funded by the Marine Corps, review by the appropriate Human Research Protection Official (HRPO) is required. If the project is funded by Systems Command or Manpower and Reserve Affairs, refer to the Contact Us tab to reach the HRPOs in those organization. If the project is funded by any other Marine Corps organization, contact the USMC HRPP and refer to this fact sheet for more information. If you are new to conducting research with Marines or the military, this fact sheet may be helpful. 

Projects Not Funded by the Marine Corps

If the project is not funded by the Marine Corps, Administrative Review by the USMC HRPP is required. Contact the USMC HRPP and refer to this fact sheet for more information.  If you are new to conducting research with Marines or the military, this fact sheet may be helpful. 

Student Researchers

Refer to the student research tab. 

The Marine Corps supports student research when feasible. All projects conducted by students that involve interaction with Marine Corps participants (e.g., interviews, surveys, focus groups, questionnaires, etc.), observations of Marine Corps personnel, or use of personnel datasets must be reviewed by the USMC HRPP. This requirement applies even if the project has been approved by the IRB at the student’s school or received a determination that it is not human subjects research.

Students who are new to research or to conducting projects that involve military personnel, data, and/or installations are advised to contact the USMC HRPP early in the research design process to determine review requirements that may apply to their projects. In addition to review by the USMC HRPP, other Marine Corps and, in some cases, other government review processes may apply to certain projects. These reviews can be complex and lengthy and it is critical to budget sufficient time to get all necessary approvals and endorsements.

Marine Corps University Students

Individuals assigned/attached to Marine Corps University as students who are conducting projects as part of their studies at Marine Corps University (MCU) have their projects reviewed by the Marine Corps IRB.  Contact the MCU IRB Vice Chair for additional information.

Students at Other DoD Schools

Students conducting projects as part of their studies at DoD schools will have their projects reviewed by their school’s IRB. Once the IRB review is complete, the project must be submitted to the USMC HRPP (see contact tab) for Administrative Review and approved before Marine Corps personnel (military or civilian) are recruited to participate or requests for Marine Corps data are submitted. This fact sheet provides basic information on Marine Corps review requirements. However, students are encouraged to reach out to the USMC HRPP to determine the specific requirements for their projects and assistance in understanding the process.

Marine Corps Students at Civilian Schools

Whether attending a civilian school as a private activity or as part of a Marine Corps program,  students conducting projects as part of their studies at civilian schools will have their projects reviewed by their school’s IRB. Once the IRB review is complete, the project must be submitted to the USMC HRPP (see contact tab) for Administrative Review and approved before Marine Corps personnel (military or civilian) are recruited to participate or requests for Marine Corps data are submitted. This fact sheet provides basic information on Marine Corps review requirements. Students are encouraged to reach out to the USMC HRPP to determine the specific requirements for their projects and assistance in understanding the process.

Other Students at Civilian Schools

Other individuals conducting projects as part of their studies at civilian schools will have their projects reviewed by their school’s IRB. Once the IRB review is complete, the project must be submitted to the USMC HRPP (see contact tab) for Administrative Review and approved before Marine Corps personnel (military or civilian) are recruited to participate or requests for Marine Corps data are submitted. This fact sheet provides basic information on Marine Corps review requirements and this fact sheet provides key information about conducting research with Marine Corps personnel. Students are encouraged to reach out to the USMC HRPP to determine the specific requirements for their projects.

Marine Corps Training and Education Command