Career Planner

TECOM Headquarters Battalion Unit Logo
Headquarters Battalion
"Largest Battalion in the Corps"

To take care of Marines in the unit by assisting them in improving their performance and competitiveness for promotion and retention. This includes advising Marines on the following: Enlisted Career Force Controls (ECFC's) (promotion tempos, service limits, FTAP); required PME, the Fitness Report Audit Program; B-billets and special assignments; selection zones for promotion; involuntary separation pay; and the use of the enlisted career counseling service.

COM: 703-784-3248
COM: 703-784-3249

Yale Hall Bldg 2006
Rooms: 117, 119, 120

First Term Marines

Initial Interview:

26 - 24

 months prior to the Marine's ECC.

FTAP:(First Term Alignment Plan)

14 - 12

 months prior to the Marine's ECC.


8 - 6

 months prior to the Marine's EAS.


Career Marines


14 - 12

 months prior to the Marine's ECC.


8 - 6

 months prior to the Marine's EAS.

Marine Corps Training and Education Command