Training and Education Command Official Unit Logo
Training and Education Command
Quantico, Virginia

The Deployable Virtual Training Environment (DVTE) is a laptop computer based virtual simulation system that supports a myriad of training on individual and small unit skills utilizing an array of software programs. The DVTE training supports company, platoon and squad level tactics, employment of supporting arms, and individual training throughout the Fleet Marine Force and Marine Corps Reserve. DVTE training support packages include scenarios to facilitate training and readiness (T&R) manual task / event training as a gateway to live fire training.

Portfolio Manager
Telephone:  703-432-2155

DVTE trains and reinforces MAGTF/combined arms coordination warfighting skills maintaining individual and unit readiness during periods of training while deployed or embarked. DVTE employs high fidelity terrain databases and realistic training scenarios to meet the main purpose of providing the primary achievement of DVTE; to facilitate T&R standards based training by providing training opportunities to small units up to the Battalion staff level. DVTE is employed as a training readiness tool by commanders to assist in evaluating individual and unit proficiency, In effect, DVTE is part of a commander's training "toolkit" and should be maximized, where and when appropriate to augment their training program. DVTE assists in maintaining their unit's proficiency and currency through continual application and remediation of individual and collective combat skills.

  • Allows small unit commanders to model and rehearse tactical decision-making of their subordinates in a virtual environment prior to live training or operations.

  • Provides opportunities for individuals to train together as a team, for Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) teams to train as units, and for MAGTF units to train within a joint training environment.

  • Enables commanders and staffs to focus on the development and sustainment of mission-critical skills.

  • Availability of Tactical Decision Kit-Available at every infantry battalion to augment the mission planning and rehearsal.

  • Provides Combined Arms Network training for forward observers, forward air controllers, fire support team leaders and various weapon systems (Amphibious Assault Vehicle, M1A1 Tank, Light Armor Vehicle, Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement, Attack Helicopter-I , AV-8B) up to the battalion level.

  • Ability to interface with Marine Corps green gear (AF AIDS & Strike Link) in order to facilitate training for a variety of fire support missions.

  • Virtual Battle Space 3 is a desktop tactical trainer and mission rehearsal system in use by major military organizations.

  • Close Combat Marine is a real-time tactical computer game for decision making.

  • Combined Arms Network (CAN) is a two dimensional networked application providing fire support and close air support teams training.

  • Tactical Language Training System is a self-paced language and cultural training application that allows the user to learn Arabic, Pashto, Dari and French languages along

  • Camp Pendleton / MCAS Camp Pendleton / MCAS Miramar, CA

  • Camp Lejeune / MCAS New River/ MCAS Cherry Point, NC

  • Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, 29 Palms, CA

  • Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Pacific

  • Expeditionary Warfare Training Group-Atlantic

  • MCAS Yuma, AZ

  • Ft. Sill, OK

  • MCB Okinawa/CAS Iwakuni/ Camp Fuji, JPN

  • MCB Quantico, VA

To see the list of Events that can be accomplished utilizing the DVTE, click the below link:

DVTE Events
Marine Corps Training and Education Command