Synthetic Training Integration and Management Branch (STIMB) develops, integrates, resources, and governs synthetic training capabilities and training support services across the Total Force in order to enhance combat readiness. This includes the identification, validation, and prioritization of system requirements for the training of individual Marines, small units, ground vehicle crews, battle staffs, and the tools necessary to plan, prepare, execute and assess training events and exercises. STIMB enables live, virtual, and constructive training interoperability across all MAGTF elements and naval, joint, interagency/departmental, and multi-national environments. STIMB prepares and provides an integrated program for resourcing, in partnership with acquisition agencies, accredited simulation systems with associated data, support, management and feedback processes, and policies in order to ensure access to modern and well-maintained training solutions throughout the crawl-walk-run-sustain continuum.
Branch Head Telephone: 703-784-3718
Deputy Branch Head Telephone: 703-432-2171
Synthetic interoperability mitigates space and range constraints by supporting large scale operations.