Live Virtual Constructive Training Environment

LVC-TE Offcial Logo
Training and Education Command
Quantico, Virginia


Virtual Decision Making

A Marine uses Virtual Battle Space 3 in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. VBS 3 is part of the Tactical Decision Kit developed jointly by Marine Corps...

Project Tripoli is a comprehensive initiative to modernize the Marine Corps' training environment.  Its goal is to eliminate gaps between experimentation efforts, the training continuum, and real-world mission rehearsals and operations.  This project will provide the Fleet Marine Force with an on-demand, all-domain LVC training environment that aligns with the future operating concepts outline in Force Design.  Consisting of 16 essential components, Project Tripoli is vital for creating a complete and modern battlefield training environment.

  • Reduced time/effort to plan/execute ever-increasingly complex training enabling Commanders to focus on training vice exercise planning.
  • Nearly unlimited access to high-demand/low-density assets (e.g., CAS and UAS sorties) by linking geographically separated simulators or utilizing artificial intelligence driven replicants.
  • Replicates costly, low-density, exquisite capabilities (e.g., NMESIS) enabling Commanders to exercise all the capabilities they will be expected to employ IAW FD 2030.  Additionally, enables schoolhouses (entry and advanced) to better train the Marines who will operate those capabilities.
  • Closes the gap between training and operational mission rehearsals enabling Commanders to train virtually, on terrain their unit will fight, alongside partner forces (Service, Joint, Combined).
  • Robust AAR capabilities & advanced analytic tools provide meaningful, relevant, and actionable feedback to improve unit performance.
  • Provides tailorable and scalable training solutions, at the appropriate echelon, allowing participating units to more fully train vice being relegated to the role of a training aid.
  • Enable distributed Maritime C5ISRT to control maneuver and deliver joint, multi-domain fires in a DDIL/A2AD environment, prosecuting kill webs/chains in a decentralized manner against a “threat informed” adversary.
  • A single point of coordination, training resources, contextual scenarios and common battlespace for globally distributed units to train as a MAGTF.
  • A LVC environment, concealed from our adversaries, which allows training of capabilities that are cost prohibitive (e.g., NMESIS) or difficult to conduct in an exclusively live training environment (e.g., Full Spectrum Electronic Warfare or Civil Transportation Restrictions of LRPF).
  • Synthetic training at schoolhouses provide a significantly larger number of repetitions of training objectives and enhance student/ instructor feedback to rapidly reinforce proper actions.

Each of the below components are explained in detail on the LVC-TE Components page.

  • Force on Force Next Training System (FoFTS-Next)/ Marine Corps Training Instrumentation System (MCTIS)

  • Marine Common Virtual Platform (MCVP)

  • Tactical Video Capture System (TVCS)

  • Maritime Constructive Simulation (MCS)

  • Joint Virtual Fires Trainer (JVFT)

  • Electromagnetic Warfare Ground Instrumented Range (EWGIR)

  • Small Unit Tactical Training System (SUTTS)

  • Terrain and 3D Models Database Services

  • Training Contract Labor Support (TCLS)

  • Ground Vehicle Training Systems (GVTS)

  • Transport Network (WAN)  

  • Wireless Network for Ranges and Training Areas (WNRT)

  • Aviation Distributed Virtual Training Environment (ADVTE) Integration

  • Warfighter Augmented Reality (WAR)

  • Joint Live Virtual Constructive (JLVC) Federation

  • Local Training Network (LAN)

  • I Marine Expeditionary Force

  • II Marine Expeditionary Force

  • Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center

  • Marine Corps Base Hawaii, HI

  • Guam

  • Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (XR) Training Systems
    • Wearable XR trainers for infantry operations, integrated with LVC
    • M777 training system (simulation, simulator, instrumentation / integrated with LVC)
    • M142 HIMARS training system (simulation, simulator, instrumentation / integrated with LVC)
    • Reconfigurable Combat Vehicle Training System (Aviation / Maritime / Ground / integrated with LVC)
    • Reconfigurable UAS Ground Control Station (integrated with LVC)
  • Wireless Communication (5G WiFi) CONUS / OCONUS
  • Terrain API for database conversion
  • 3D Model Development
  • AI/ML Assisted Simulation
  • 24 x 7 Game running at all echelons
  • Live/Virtual EW (simulation, simulator, instrumentation / integrated with LVC)
  • Threat Replication (Live, Virtual, and Constructive) Modernized Intelligence Database (MIDB) / Machine-Assisted Analysis Rapid-Repository System (MARS)
  • C2 / Simulation Gateway
  • After Acton Review
    • Replay, Video Capture, Observations, and Visualization
    • Bookmarking Capability (action capture)
    • OODA Mapping
    • Planning Support
    • Training Progression Management
    • Doctrine Mapping
    • Predictive Assessment
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Adaptive Responses
    • Data Management

Project Tripoli and the LVC-TE it creates will provide the means to conduct fully integrated training at all echelons, in all-domains, connected across disparate locations. In its fully mature state, the LVC-TE will create the system interoperability we need to fully integrate with joint and international LVC capabilities. The primary objective is to increase combat readiness at every echelon of command, while also allowing for experimentation with emerging concepts and technologies.


TECOM Project Tripoli

Joseph Lomangino

(703) 432-2895


PM-TRASYS Project Tripoli

Elizabeth Tygart

(407) 381-8743

Marine Corps Training and Education Command