A Marine uses Virtual Battle Space 3 in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. VBS 3 is part of the Tactical Decision Kit developed jointly by Marine Corps...
Project Tripoli is a comprehensive initiative to modernize the Marine Corps' training environment. Its goal is to eliminate gaps between experimentation efforts, the training continuum, and real-world mission rehearsals and operations. This project will provide the Fleet Marine Force with an on-demand, all-domain LVC training environment that aligns with the future operating concepts outline in Force Design. Consisting of 16 essential components, Project Tripoli is vital for creating a complete and modern battlefield training environment.
Each of the below components are explained in detail on the LVC-TE Components page.
Force on Force Next Training System (FoFTS-Next)/ Marine Corps Training Instrumentation System (MCTIS)
Marine Common Virtual Platform (MCVP)
Tactical Video Capture System (TVCS)
Maritime Constructive Simulation (MCS)
Joint Virtual Fires Trainer (JVFT)
Electromagnetic Warfare Ground Instrumented Range (EWGIR)
Small Unit Tactical Training System (SUTTS)
Terrain and 3D Models Database Services
Training Contract Labor Support (TCLS)
Ground Vehicle Training Systems (GVTS)
Transport Network (WAN)
Wireless Network for Ranges and Training Areas (WNRT)
Aviation Distributed Virtual Training Environment (ADVTE) Integration
Warfighter Augmented Reality (WAR)
Joint Live Virtual Constructive (JLVC) Federation
Local Training Network (LAN)
I Marine Expeditionary Force
II Marine Expeditionary Force
Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center
Marine Corps Base Hawaii, HI
Project Tripoli and the LVC-TE it creates will provide the means to conduct fully integrated training at all echelons, in all-domains, connected across disparate locations. In its fully mature state, the LVC-TE will create the system interoperability we need to fully integrate with joint and international LVC capabilities. The primary objective is to increase combat readiness at every echelon of command, while also allowing for experimentation with emerging concepts and technologies.
TECOM Project Tripoli
Joseph Lomangino
(703) 432-2895
PM-TRASYS Project Tripoli
Elizabeth Tygart
(407) 381-8743